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Networx Internal Ideas Ideas Portal

Networx Internal Ideas

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Authorisation Teams to have a shared inbox email address

When setting up a Team of approvers, it would be really great if you could assign a central email address to that team, so that comms/auths go to their shared inbox but all users could still approve - this is something clients often ask for as the...
Hannah Turk over 1 year ago in  0

Notification when Lookup is imported

When importing a large lookup, system gives message 'Due to the size and/or complexity of the file you have uploaded, the import has been scheduled for this lookup. This is likely to take a few minutes, but if you are experiencing issues or the da...
Hannah Turk over 1 year ago in  0

Enter panel availability in bulk

When setting up self selection, users can enter availability on behalf of panel members but they have to do this per interviewer. It would be more efficient if they could just enter availabilty for one panel member and then copy this across other ...
Hannah Turk over 1 year ago in  0

Add attachments to auth notifications

Would be helpful to be able to add attachment of completed auth process for clients where panel leaders need oversight of what was fully approved (panel leaders cant access Vacancy Details)
Hannah Turk over 1 year ago in  0

Adding logo on login button

Wates are not looking to use our branded advert, they use an XML feed to display the advert and then when the candidate clicks apply, it takes them to the apply button. This doesn't have any branding so is it possible to include a logo.
Guest over 1 year ago in  0

Edit email templates in Self Selection setup

When sending interview confirmations manually, you can amend the email template to add in bespoke details about the interview (e.g. presentation preparation etc, what to expect etc.), this varies per role so having templated emails doesn't cover t...
Hannah Turk over 1 year ago in  0

Ability to add merge fields to SMS templates

It would allow clients to make the messages more personal or pull information from other areas of the system.
Aaron Sheehan over 1 year ago in  0

ATR Authorisation - Ability to add notifiers at each stage in the authorisation chain

As a user, I would like the ability to add in notifiers into certain chains within my authorisation changes. For Example my Auth chain follows as such: Manager raise > Line Manager > Head of Department > Chief Executive However I want my ...
Olivia Bradshaw over 1 year ago in  0

be able to see networx network stats on non cacm role

I would like to be able to see the views, clicks and incompletes for NN results for none CACM clients. This information would also be useful for the client to see.
Guest over 1 year ago in  0

Duplicate Vacancy

Clients should be able to go onto a vacancy and click to copy/duplicate, instead of having to use the 'Create Template from this vacancy'. Often clients recruit for the same role, but without this functionality they end up just continuing the recr...
Hannah Turk almost 2 years ago in  0