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Networx Internal Ideas Ideas Portal

Networx Internal Ideas

Showing 86 of 86

Upgrades to Tazio

Tazio is very limiting and causing client frustration. You can't edit question wording or settings once saved. You can't add or remove questions once saved. You can't extend or expire the interview on a per candidate basis.
Guest over 1 year ago in  1

When a client allocates an agency to work on a role it triggers an email about CACM as an alternative

When a client allocates an agency to work on a role it triggers an email about CACM as an alternative
Guest almost 2 years ago in  0

Automatic Supplemental Information requests

When a user is sending tasks to a candidates onboarding portal they have to click into each sup form task and send it. If the client has more than 1 its just unnecessary clicks. There should be an option in the settings to set it to automatically ...
Guest almost 2 years ago in  0

ATSi tracking recruitment source

When a candidate comes through ATSi (Integrated Job Boards) their recruitment source is not tracked. It is set to 0 in the DB and 'Unknown' in the front end. There is no way of determining the source of these candidates. This will become a bigger ...
Aaron Sheehan about 1 year ago in  0

Linkedin Integration

linkedin have opened up their integration partner options and many smaller UK based system are now including this such as 360 and hiresevre. This is something clients ask for all the time
Guest almost 2 years ago in  0

Document Signing Task - Call to action

When viewing candidate account offer tasks as the candidate. The document signing task only says "You have x Document(s) To sign.". It should include a line like 'Click Here to view' this would make it consistent with other calls to action in the ...
Aaron Sheehan 4 months ago in UI Improvement 0

Managed Campaign Support on the Dashboard

It would be really useful for our clients who have managed campaigns to have the details of who their account manage is along with the ability to contact them via email and telephone on their dashboard.
Guest almost 2 years ago in  0

Function to Copy Candidate Extract Templates

Function to Copy Candidate Extract Templates - Similar to how you can copy Workflows etc. Will save time in case clients want more than one template that are fairly similar
Harry Higginson over 1 year ago in  0

Chat functionality

The ability for system users to be able to communicate with candidates via whats app or similar chat communication tool.
Guest almost 2 years ago in  0

EDI vacancy reports not made available until more than one candidate on vacancy

Currently, if there is only one candidate on a vacancy and the report is generated, you are able to see the candidates EDI responses in the report and therefore able to know this info the candidate has disclosed. The candidates disclose this info ...
Hannah Turk almost 2 years ago in  0